• hot to trot
    hot to trot

QL2 Dance’s artistic director Ruth Osborne wants young dancers to understand that dance is about so much more than just moving to music. It’s that concept that informs QL2 dance’s latest season, “Hot to Trot”, a collection of short contemporary works by young Canberra choreographers. Osborne elabotates, “We are determined to help young people see beyond dance as just sequences to music — it can be so much more! [The young choreographers] have worked over the last year with highly experienced professional choreographers from around Australia, creating collaborative mainstage works. They also worked and performed with the National Youth Dance Company of Scotland in April. So they are drawing on a wide range of choreographic processes and movement styles. The passion and hard work they are putting into creating meaningful and entertaining dance is very impressive.”

With subjects ranging from late night shift work, pet peeves, and communication within the brain; to the rule of law, selfishness and temptation, and the everlasting mark our actions leave on the world, the works all share one feature: the young dancers themselves have created them.

Hot to Trot plays the QL2 Theatre at the Gorman Arts Centre in Braddon, ACT, 26 and 27 November. For more info, including bookings head to http://ql2.org.au/

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