
Applications are open for the McDonald’s Sydney Eisteddfod.

This year, McDonald’s Sydney Eisteddfod celebrates its 80th Anniversary with its biggest and best festival ever. Its 400-event program includes 127 dance events for solo and group performers of all ages and types. This year is a special one for Sydney Eisteddfod and as a anniversary treat for dance lovers, the 2013 festival will end with a celebratory afternoon tea with the Australian Ballet.

As usual, $36,000 McDonald’s Ballet Scholarships and Open Jazz Group final at Sydney Opera House promises to be the popular event of season.  Tickets are now available and although bookings by Sydney Eisteddfod Friends have priority until the end of February, the names of those who purchase tickets during this period will be listed in order of booking date for the best remaining seats.

Those who elect to join Sydney Eisteddfod Friends at the time of booking will have a better chance of obtaining good seats. As Friends they will enjoy all privileges and as they will receive five complimentary tickets to general events held during the season, the money saved on these will cancel the joining fee.

Entries close on 12 March and can be lodged online. For further information, phone (02) 9261-8366 without delay.

Eisteddfod dates and the 2013 syllabus can be viewed on the Sydney Eisteddfod website:

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