
Jolene Slater is one of the principal dancers at the Moulin Rouge in Paris.

How long have you been performing with the Moulin Rouge?
I’ve been with the Moulin for nearly six years.

What does your present role involve?
I’m one of the principal dancers in the show. In France we say “Meneuses de Revue”.

Where did you train in Australia?
When I was younger I trained at Linda Grigg’s Dance Studios in St Arnaud (Vic). From there I moved to Melbourne to train at the Dance Factory in Richmond with Dulcie and Vicki Lee.

How tall are you?
Five feet 10½ inches or 1m 78½ centimetres.

What is the most difficult production you’ve worked on?
I worked with the Production Company in Melbourne on a few musicals. It was great doing the shows but the rehearsal periods were very intense and short. We learnt all the songs and choreography in a week and a half.
Moulin is also difficult for the fact that you have two shows back to back every night, six nights a week.

What is the most unusual costume you have had to wear?
The Medusa costume I wear now in the show has snakes all over it (Fate of course) – that’s pretty unusual. When I was younger I had to wear a Tin Man costume. It was made out of silver house insulation. It was so hot I fainted when I came off stage.

What is the hardest thing about your job?
The hardest thing is giving 110 per cent every show. We do the same show 12 nights a week so I try to give each new audience the same energy as the last. It’s difficult to maintain, but I try.

What is the most rewarding?
The audience reaction. I love to see people enjoying the show – it gives me more energy.

What is your most embarrassing moment?
I was dancing in Dubai for the World Cup Rugby Sevens. After the game the dancers were told to make a guard of honour of the teams. The New Zealand team had won the series and decided to perform their traditional haka dance towards me. They got closer and closer and by the end the whole team had surrounded me and I didn’t know whether to scream, laugh or cry!

What do you always take with you to a performance?
A bottle of water and my false eyelashes.

How do you relax after the show?
Usually I like to go home, watch a movie and enjoy some good food and wine.

What book are you reading at the moment?
I’m actually reading a book on Barcelona – I’m planning a trip there next month.

What is your favourite work of art?
I love Salvador Dali. I studied his work at school so it was great to see his work here in Paris; I love all his melting clock pieces.

What occupation would be furthest from your true nature?
Administrative: I’m not good with paper work at all, and I’d need to be active in my profession.