Nadezhda Bogdownova aka Australian dancer Christopher Lam, was recently in Australia on a tour with Les Ballets Trockadero de Monte Carlo.
Where were you born?
Saint Petersburg, Russia.
What did your parents do?
My family work bulldozer and heavy machinery.
What made you start dancing?
I saw the “Legupski” brothers and became obsessed by dance.
What was your first public performance?
School orchestra performance age six. I played the triangle...and was told that I had a real talent for it!
How did you manage to get to America?
I was smuggled to America in very large suitcase.
What was your first big break?
The lead in Ballet Mesopotamia’s re-staging of Terodactyl Lake.
When did you join Les Ballets Trockadero de Monte Carlo?
June, 2007.
Your most favourite role?
Tuna, egg, salad ...Hold the mayo (I’m on a diet).
What has been your most challenging role to date?
White Lady in Raymonda – that tall hat can be a true work hazard!
What has been your favourite costume?
Seaweed girl from Little Humpbacked Horse. One simply feels ravishing in a grey and silver unitard!
Favourite venue?
Teatro Municipal, Rio de Janeiro. The iron work for the balconies and the warm audience make it an unforgettable place to perform.
What is the worst thing a critic has ever said about you?
One critic dared to suggest that I look like a man.
What has been your proudest moment?
The day I finally squeezed myself into Taglioni’s original bodice from Pas de Quarte.
What has been your most embarrassing moment?
Starring as the “Top Domino” in the Falling Kingdom of the Shades.
What do you like about yourself?
My inclination towards modesty.
What annoys you about yourself?
Some troublesome body hair.
What is your pet hate?
What makes you sad?
Ballerinas who have yet to discover the joys of epaulement.
How do you cope with stardom?
I always try to leave the theatre incognito.
What do you always take with you to a performance?
A large dose of superstition. I always try to touch wood before I go on stage.
What is your favourite step?
The simple gargouillade.
How would you describe your feet?
Best left inside the shoe!