As a child, Caitlin Stavaruk did calisthenics and always loved being on stage, but it wasn’t until she started ballet lessons that she decided she wanted to be a dancer.
She trained in Canberra at the Kim Harvey School of Dance, before being accepted in to the Australian Ballet School in Melbourne. From there, she was offered a full scholarship to Zurich Dance Academy, training in classical and contemporary.
Stavaruk describes her first audition as“more of a trial run with no expectations”, and was surprised and delighted to be offered a contract in the corps de ballet with Zurich Ballet, where she is currently one of five dancers in the Gruppe (one above the corps).
So far in her career, she says the memorable moments have been: “The first time I was told that I had the potential to be a dancer, being chosen as a Laureate at the Prix de Lausanne and the first time I was given an individual role to perform.”
Before a performance, she says: “I like to listen to music which has nothing to do with ballet; it takes me away from any negative nervous thoughts and puts my mind in a good state. I also have a small gold guardian angel my mum gave me which I keep tucked away, either pinned to the inside of my costume or hidden in my hair!”
Stavaruk credits her success to having a support network. “Without a doubt, supportive family, friends and teachers. They celebrate the highs with me and give me strength to fight through the lows. This is a tough business and I would be lying if I said I am where I am today without any help.”
And what is on the horizon for Stavaruk? “As far as my career goes I am only a fledgling with a long way to go before I can truly fly. Sometimes I dream of being a principal in a wonderful company, but who knows if that is the only accomplishment which will make me feel fulfilled. I think that being happy, enjoying the journey and not focussing too much on the destination is my most important goal.”