Meet Karlia May Cook

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Photo by Emma Fishwick.
Photo by Emma Fishwick.

Studied: Victorian College of the Arts/University of Melbourne.
Presently: Freelance dancer and choreographer based in Naarm.

What is your best memory of your full-time dance studies?

My best memories are of the people, mentors and peers I was able to meet, exchange and learn from. The opportunity to collaborate and learn from artists of diverse dance backgrounds was incredibly valuable in growing my own practice and approaches to making and performing dance. I learned a lot from my peers and found strength in collaboration and teamwork… a gift I have taken forward into my work today.

Did your original career aim change from when you started your studies to when you graduated?

After my tertiary studies I came to learn that my practice as an artist is grounded and encompassing of all of my work, passions, practices and histories. I enjoy dancing, performing, teaching and making. At the beginning of my studies I saw these practices as separate; however, they all work in relation to each other and each practice strengthens the other. From teaching kids and adults I grow as a dancer and a leader which in turn strengthens my choreographic focuses. All of my artistic endeavours, from community work to performing for choreographers, are equally valuable in fostering and growing my entire practice. Moving forward I hope to continue evolving as an artist and bringing forward all of myself, my practices and histories.


Watch her video @_dance_australia

Karlia is one of many talented graduates featured in our Full-Time Studies Guide in the current July/Aug/Sep issue. Buy your copy from your favourite retailer or subscribe or buy online here. Print is for keeps!


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