Donate and help Dance Hub SA survive

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Dance Hub SA is in a battle for survival following its unsuccessful application for funding from the South Australian government.

The Adelaide dance organisation presently has funding and access to its studio space at the Lions Arts Centre - but only until the end of the year. When that time comes, it faces the prospect of closing altogether.

Dance Hub SA is a vital part of the South Australian dance scene, showing remarkable resilience despite years of poor government financial support. It began in 1993 as a companym Leigh Warren and Dancers, when the eponymous artistic director left his post as leader of Australian Dance Theatre. It lost both Commonwealth and State funding in 2011. The organisation was eventually rebranded as LWDanceHub in 2016, and offered residencies, workshops and open house sessions. It was rebranded again in 2019 as Dance Hub SA when Warren handed over the artistic directorship to choreographer and multimedia artist Amanda Phillip. Since then it has reinforced its position as SA's peak body for dance in the state, especially for independent artists and emerging choreographers.

Dance Hub SA has launched a petition and a crowd funding appeal and is still appealing for donations. It has also recently appointed two new board members, Peter Sheedy (dance educator, choreographer and performer), and Matilda Wise, a solicitor experienced in human relations. 

We are also in the process of refreshing and streamlining the structure of the organisation moving forward with the aim of continuing to support the independent dance sector in South Australia,” Arts Hub SA recently announced. “We are planning for a future, and hope you will continue to support us on this journey.”

To donate, please go here.


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