
Richard Causer has been a dancer with Expressions Dance Company since 2007.

Where did you grow up?
I was born in England, but moved to Australia when I was four. I lived in Victoria for two years and then moved to Queensland and grew up in Browns Plains, Logan.
What did your parents do?
My mum works in retail and my dad is a forklift driver. Not really any artistic flair, so I’m not sure where the dancing comes from. My dad is convinced that he taught me how to dance, though. He thinks I stole all his moves.
What first attracted you to learning dance?
My sister learnt jazz ballet for a little while when we were really young. They were learning a routine to the Sister Act soundtrack. I used to copy her when she practised at home. After that I learnt all her dances and we started making up our own to perform to our parents. I suppose I just never stopped.
What is your earliest memory of dancing?
Well, apart from dancing in the lounge room at home with my sister and watching my mum and dad dance with each other, my first professional dance performance was actually Expressions Dance Company at the Playhouse in Brisbane, performing Maggi Sietsma’s Behind The Wall.
What was your first public performance?
A duet I choreographed to Janet Jackson’s All for you, performed at the Grand Plaza shopping centre in Browns Plains for a talent quest. I came last. (I was crushed.)
What is the best venue you have ever performed in?
I would have to say the purpose built stage for Busan’s 2009 International Dance Festival in South Korea. The stage was an open outdoor plan, on the beach, with the ocean waves crashing behind and a clear view of the sky from the stage. It was just amazing.

What is your pre-performance ritual?
I get quite superstitious that something will go wrong if I don’t repeat the same actions as the previous night’s pre-performance. Therefore I try not to do anything outrageous so I can repeat it each night. I also like to sit on the stage for a few minutes before the house opens and stretch. But otherwise I try not to think too much about the show because I get too nervous and start to create back-up plans for every moment that could possibly go wrong. Basically re-choreographing the show just in case. So it’s good to be with the other dancers and just talk any random jibberish so my mind isn’t on the show too much.
What do you always bring with you to a performance?
I don’t really have any lucky charms. I just make sure I always bring myself, a jockstrap, towel and water.
What is the best thing about being a dancer?
Not many people can say they do what they love for a living. So that in itself is a huge plus. Also it can be very fulfilling. I feel really happy when I’m dancing. And also I work with incredible and inspiring dancers, and being able to watch them every day is just wonderful.

The worst?
Being sore and getting injury. Also the lack of funding and support. There are so many fabulous dancers out there who struggle to find work and don’t get the support they need to practise their art.
What has been your most satisfying role to date?
The role of the Young Man in Natalie Weir’s Where the Heart Is. Definitely my biggest and most fulfilling role to date. Each performance took me on such an emotional journey. It felt like a big achievement after each show.
What is your pet hate?
Carrying groceries. Especially on a bus.
If you could do someone else's job for a day, what would you choose?
A window cleaner for a huge skyscraper, abseiling down the side. It would be such a rush.
What word(s) would you use to describe your feet?
Apart from the fact that my big toes look like nuns – my feet look like they have been in World War 3. So let’s just say BAD.

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