• SDC’s Jessica Thompson. Photo: Ellis Parinder
    SDC’s Jessica Thompson. Photo: Ellis Parinder

Sydney Dance Company (SDC) will open its 2013 season in March with a double bill, entitled “De Novo”. Taken from the Latin term meaning ‘of the new’, “De Novo” features Cacti, by Swedish choreographer Alexander Ekman, and Emergence, a new work by SDC’s Artistic Director, Rafael Bonachela. 

Ekman is a Swedish choreographer who, at age 28, has gained notoriety making works for European dance companies such as Netherlands Dance Theatre, Cullberg Ballet and Royal Swedish Ballet. “I’m really excited to introduce Alexander Ekman to Australian audiences,’ says Bonachela. “His work, Cacti, is totally fresh and engaging, a dance piece about how we observe art and how we often feel the need to analyse and ‘understand’ it. Performed with a live string quartet on stage, it is joyful, intelligent and irreverent, and has been hailed by critics for all of these qualities.”

Emergence will see Bonachela collaborate with renowned singer/songwriter Sarah Blasko, composer Nick Wales and fashion designer Dion Lee.  Bonachela is excited about working with Blasko, Lee and Wales. “I previously collaborated with Nick on 2 One Another in 2012, and have been an admirer of Sarah for a long time, as a great artist, singer and poet,” he says.  “The fact that Nick and Sarah are friends and have frequently collaborated themselves, made a perfect opportunity to suggest that they work together with me on the music for a new production,’ he says.  “I have followed Dion’s work for a few years and he has also come to our shows, so we have been circling one another,” Bonachela laughs. “I can’t wait to see how he visually interprets Nick and Sarah’s music and my choreography, and translates this feeling to dressing the company’s dancers.”

In May, SDC will take 2 One Another to Adelaide, Alice Springs and Darwin, before presenting Project Rameau in Brisbane (July) and Canberra (September). The 2013 season will conclude with a tour of “De Novo” to Melbourne. The company will also, once again, present work as part of Sydney Opera House’s annual “Spring Dance” season.

In addition to its Australian commitments, SDC has plans for an extensive tour of North and South America in 2013, with details to be announced early in the year. 


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