Taking on the moon

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Nana Bilus Abaffy

Melbourne’s Chunky Move dance company is presenting a new work, Victory Over the Moon, at its studios from July 26 to 30, in collaboration with the arts facilitator, Next Wave.

Victory Over the Moon is the creation of Nana Biluš Abaffy and long-term collaborators Milo Love and Geoffrey Watson and is described as “a dance around the visions that arise in moments of crisis, when time seems to move differently – either speeding up or slowing down in unexpected ways”. 

Abaffy is an artist with a background in philosophy and a foreground in experimental performance and dance. She is interested in “the pursuit of knowledge through embodiment and wants to know what her body is looking for”.

Her career has taken her all over the world as a creator and performer at numerous festivals and events. In Australia, she has presented her work at Dance Massive (2018), Underbelly Arts Festival in Sydney, and was a finalist in the 2018 Keir Choreographic Award. Zagreb-born, she describes herself as a “Melbourne+Brussels-based alien”!

More info here.

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