Vale Lucette Aldous

Former ballerina Lucette Aldous (26/9/38 – 5/6/21) has died in her home town of Perth, aged 82.
Aldous was already an international star even before she joined the Australian Ballet in 1970 (the company itself had been established only eight years earlier). She was vivacious and petite, famously styling her hair high on her head to make her look taller. She was also famous for her work ethic and determination, proving wrong those who told her she was too small to be a ballerina. She became a household name in Australia and overseas when she danced Kitri beside Nureyev’s Basilio in his landmark film of Don Quixote. After retiring in 1976 she joined the faculty at the WA Academy of Performing Arts in 1982, where she became an influential teacher.
The Australian Ballet issued a press statement lamenting her death, including a comment from former Artistic Director, David McAllister. “Lucette was the first ballerina I ever saw live on stage. For me, as for the thousands of dancers around the world who saw her dance in the theatre or in the film of Don Quixote, she was an inspiration. She was a star of our great national company for so many years and we will miss her deeply.”
Vale Lucette.
Thank you to our correspondent Susan Bendall for sharing this video link. View here.